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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Try starting from the top

Jean left the office exhausted because the boss
asked him to solve a personnel problem; and he didn't
know how to deal with it.

The boss said " I don't care how you go about it.
You are the HR director,right?"

For weeks the working atmosphere was awful. Wages
were frozen and the subcontractors were under the
watchful eye of management.

Jean was lost in thoughts on the sofa of the living
room but his wife hadn't returned. He heard the
familiar noise of the broom, so he knew the cleaning
lady had arrived.

He hardly noticed her when she came to ask him for
her wages. Marie said to Jean "I've got food in the
oven so that you'll have something to eat in case
Madame doesn't return"

Jean replied "Thank you Marie. It's very nice of you."
Marie said "You look tired Jean."

Jean replied "Not really Marie. Just a little worn out
because of some worries at work. I have to take some
unpleasant measures. I might have to fire some of the
employees. I hate doing it but it has to be done"

Marie replied "Try starting from the top. That's how I
do my best work"

Jean didn't wait for the weekend to present his reform
plan to management. "Excessive turnover is occurring
because of the old fashioned attitude of management.
"We must lead by example!" said Jean.

The boss congratulated Jean for his good work.

"Rank confers neither privilege nor power,
but imposes responsibility."
Louis Armstrong.

Author unknown
Posted by Priya Deelchand


Posted by Priya Deelchand